Saturday, November 7, 2009

Luring Lunacy

The Journal Sentinel's 'bend over and take it for business' boosterism is on full display in Tax Credits, Loans Luring Entrepreneurial Start-ups.

The article basically rounds up the cast of giveaways Wisconsin (and others) uses to try to attract and retain business. It then concedes they work wonderfully and we need more. Yet the rankings and dollar amounts they highlight in the article hardly support any such conclusion.

There is no discussion in the piece regarding this 'site-consultant, tax break, war-among-the-states' paradigm upon which the development world operates. It is simply presented with no contemplation of alternatives. There could have been some deliberation or opposing viewpoints describing this system as inefficient bribery and blackmail, distorting more optimal and effective outcomes and locational decisions.

Does the Journal Sentinel report anymore or are they just corporate PR shills?

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