Saturday, April 20, 2019

From Total Exoneration To Total Bullshit

The Mueller Report Went from 'COMPLETE EXONERATION!' to 'Total Bullshit!' as Soon as It Was Actually Released

When AG Barr was able to "summarize" the report, as he saw fit, it supposedly exonerated the orange idiot, Trump.  Republicans then did everything they could to stop the release of the report.  Some would even say these enablers went out of their way to obstruct Congress and the public from seeing the full report.  ("The report proves the president is innocent, but we're not going to let you see it.")

At this point, Republicans that are still involved in hiding, covering up, obstructing, delaying and/or any other form of chicanery involving Donald Trump and his administration, should be charged as co-conspirators.  If you're doing anything other than trying to get to the truth, you're part of the problem and are now part of a criminal conspiracy.

Republicans have shown that power and party are much more important to them than country. They are not patriots.  They are treasonous traitors and should be treated and charged as such.

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