Friday, January 20, 2012

Economic Indicators

Civilian Labor Force: Milwaukee County

Consumer Price Index: Fuel Oil and Other Fuels; Water, Sewer & Trash
Fuel prices started to spike around 2002-2003.

Consumer Price Index: Housing; Rent of Primary Residence

Consumer Price Index: Medical Care
Medical costs began their exponential rise during the mid-1980s.

Consumer Price Index: Transportation
Transportation costs accelerated with the oil embargo of the 1970s. They've been on that elevated trajectory ever since.

Health Insurance: Not Covered

Home Prices

Light Weight Vehicle Sales

Manufacturing Durable Goods Sector: Output Per Hour
Output per hour has steadily increased.

Manufacturing Durable Goods Sector: Real Hourly Compensation
Compensation increased during the Clinton, late 1990s, boom years, but has stagnated since.

Resident Population: Milwaukee County

Nonfarm Business Sector: Labor Share; Output Per Hour
Output per hour has increased steadily, while the share going to labor has stagnated.

Nonfinancial Corporations Sector: Output Per Hour; Labor Share
Output per hour has increased steadily, while the share going to labor has stagnated.

Nonfinancial Corporations Sector: Profits; Real Hourly Compensation
Profits have been on an overall upward trajectory. Compensation hasn't kept up.

Total Construction Spending: Residential; Commercial

Unemployment Rate: Milwaukee County

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