Saturday, February 13, 2016

11 Countries with Universal Healthcare and Free College

11 Countries with Universal Healthcare and Free College

Country, Population ("Best Countries" Ranking):

Sri Lanka - 20 million (41)
Brazil - 200 million (20)
Argentina - 41 million (40)
Luxembourg - 543,000 (14)
Spain - 46 million (16)
Germany - 80 million (1)
Greece - 11 million (26)
Finland - 5 million
Sweden - 9 million (5)
Denmark - 5 million (10)
Norway - 5 million

Total - 422,543,000

United States, 319 million (4)

There are those who comment that the United States can't afford free health care and education, it can't happen, and it's impossible.

They are wrong. 

Health care, education and infrastructure can take precedence over bombs, tax cuts and deregulation.

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