Sunday, October 27, 2013

Walker Happy To Keep His Boot On The Throat Of The Poor

The Journal Sentinel reports, Scott Walker Vows To Fight Public Aid Fraud.
Saying his actions will speak louder than his words, Gov. Scott Walker on Thursday vowed to step up oversight of public assistance programs, ordering the state health department to implement six strategies to combat fraud.
Sticking it to the poor is a recurring theme in the Journal Sentinel (and the media, in general). When the poor and near-poor manage to scrape a few extra slices of the economic pie (and undoubtedly sometimes this involves less than scrupulous tactics), the fourth estate and the privileged class crow on and on, vowing to stop this affront to the status quo.

The U.S. spends twice as much annually on corporate welfare than it does on social welfare programs. Why don't I hear the same fervor and passion from these people about corporate welfare? Right here in Milwaukee, the same people that drone on about how teachers make too much and food stamps must be cut, they're pounding the drum trying to whip up support for the public financing of another sporting arena.

Lets pay particular attention to Walker's epic hypocrisy as he bellows against public aid fraud while simultaneously enriching his cronies in a calculatingly obscure manner. As the Journal Sentinel also recently reported, Three More State Workers Got Raises After Phantom Job Transfers.
Gov. Scott Walker's administration used phantom job transfers this year to give double-digit pay raises to two employees and a smaller raise to a third, quickly switching them from one post to as many as three others and then back to their original jobs. 
The biggest pay increase — $14,416 a year — went to a longtime state economist who helped expose flaws in jobs statistics that were hurting the governor's recall election chances, a Journal Sentinel review has found.
Not only do we have underhanded embezzlement taking place, we have a governor rewarding his lackeys and sycophants for their dutiful (if not illegal, surely highly improper) service. This seems like quite a bit of fraud with public dollars. Doesn't this also conflict with Walker's transparency pledge?

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