Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Brains Misinformed By Republicans Shouldn't Get A Public Platform

The cognitive dissonance is great in this one.

Scott Walker, former Wisconsin governor and Milwaukee county executive who left both those posts in worse fiscal shape than he found them and the bozo that gave away billions to Foxconn, opines States mismanaged by Dems shouldn't get a bailout over pandemic.

Yes, like his dear leader Donald Trump, Walker believes that if you're not on his team - if you're a Democrat - your state shouldn't get help from the Federal government. Which is just what we all want in a leader, right? If you didn't vote for him/her, you're on your own.

Walker oddly cites Kevin Hassett as support for his rant, as if, by association, this bolsters his argument. Kevin Hassett, if you'll remember, is the same right-wing, know-nothing apparatchik that wrote Dow 36,000 - one of the worst and most laughable pieces of economic forecasting ever published.

These few lines from Walker were especially laughable, "Instead of bailing out state and local governments, the federal government should continue to support programs to keep workers on the payroll and to keep small businesses alive. While so many workers are experiencing layoffs, closures, furloughs or pay cuts, many state and local governments have yet to make meaningful reductions — even in “non-essential” areas."

This from the same guy that made Wisconsin a right-to-work state and gave away billions to a massive foreign corporation. Part of Walker's budgetary game-plan as governor were lay-offs and firings. It doesn't take a genius to cut programs and fire people to make budgetary numbers look better. It looks particularly worse when you turn around and take some of that money and give it to your cronies in the form of tax breaks and subsidies.

This is all typical Republican blathering. Talk about how much you care about workers and the little guy, and then turn around and give tax breaks, cut regulations and bend over backwards for big corporations and the wealthy.

Finally, if these Democratic ("blue") states are so mismanaged, why is it that these states are the ones subsidizing the Republican ("red") states? As an article from the Business Insider details, "Red States — the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut — are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."

As usual Scott Walker and the Republicans are just wrong. And, they are lying about their policies and the outcomes. They don't give a shit about workers, the little guy, small business, budgets, etc. They only care about themselves and power.

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