Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dirtbags: Robin Vos, Scott Fitzgerald and Wisconsin Republicans

Republicans propose giving finance committee the power to cut school aid, slash spending as part of coronavirus relief bill

So after Wisconsin Republicans irresponsibly made people go to the polls to vote during a pandemic, now they are trying to use the pandemic to slash school budgets and cut state spending. Well, at least cut state spending on programs that they don't care about.

Wisconsin's number two douchebag, second only to Robin Vos, Scott Fitzgerald had this to say:
"For almost a month we have been at work on a bill that includes essential provisions dealing with everything from Medicaid to the first week of unemployment," Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said in a statement. "Millions of relief dollars are at stake for Wisconsin. Suggesting he’ll veto the full bill publicly, while privately we’re still negotiating, is irresponsible.
Um, no. Using a global pandemic to advance your partisan stranglehold and crony policies is a travesty.

Republicans want:
The power they are seeking is vast. It would allow them to reduce aid to schools, local governments and University of Wisconsin campuses. They could also scale back programs aimed at helping the poor and those who have trouble getting health-care coverage.
Robin Vos, Scott Fitzgerald, Wisconsin Supreme Court conservatives, and their ilk are terrible human beings. And I use the word 'human' lightly. Fuck that hazmat suit wearing dipshit and his know-nothing enablers.

Enough is enough with Republicans using the government as their personal piggy-bank to reward themselves and their cronies. Enough putting their contributors before the people they are supposed to represent. Enough with putting corporate life ahead of actual human life. 

This is no longer a spirited debate among civil, reasonably thinking people. Republicans are nothing more than apparatchiks doing the bidding of their paymasters with no concern for the citizens.

The Republican party is a joke. Individuals identifying themselves as Republicans are a joke.

For Further Reading:
Robin And Michelle Vos: The Most Dysfunctional People In Wisconsin

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