Friday, February 1, 2019

Scott Walker Screwed Wisconsin ... Again

Scott Walker and Wisconsin Republicans are just terrible, stupid, selfish, greedy and soulless people. Their policies (along with all other Republican policies) continue to waste taxpayers' dollars. Who are these people voting for Republicans that take citizens' tax dollars and give it to rich plutocrats? Why do people continue to support such an obvious transfer of wealth from the majority of citizens to the richest? 

The failure of Republicans policies has been persistent. What type of delusion or cognitive dissonance makes people continue to hope these Republican policy lies will finally help them? All of the empirical evidence from the last 50 years shows that the policies the Republicans are spouting hurt all but the richest Americans. 

And now we have another example from Scott Walker. Another failure in a long line of Scott Walker failures

As most everyone looking into the boondoggle that is Foxconn concluded, the chances of this corporate welfare working were slim to none. And now, Foxconn is changing their plans. The promised LCD manufacturing plant is now morphing into a smaller R&D technology hub. Yet another great example of Republican governance - funneling public dollars to private paymasters with no accountability or concern for the outcome. As opposed to the typical Democratic governance, whereby public investment actually generates public benefits - think schools, roads, airports, trains, health care, etc. 

For Further Reading:
Foxconn reconsidering plans to make LCD panels at Wisconsin plant
Foxconn Shifts Focus From Wisconsin Manufacturing Plan
Foxconn changes focus of massive Wisconsin project
Foxconn scraps plan to build $10 billion Wisconsin factory Trump bragged about
Ruinous Walker's Downfall
Blasts From The (Deceptive) Past: Scott Walker Edition

For a more in-depth reading of all that was wrong with the Foxconn giveaway, see The Con That Is Foxconn or How Republicans Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Socialism For The Rich.

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