Saturday, October 6, 2018

Susan Collins: Just Another Republican Partisan Hack

Susan Collins's Kavanaugh speech diagnoses America's deepening division
The Maine Republican said that while she found the woman who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault at a high school party in 1982, Christine Blasey Ford, to be “sincere” and “compelling,” she did not feel Ford’s testimony rose above the threshold of being “more likely than not.”
So, Susan Collins decided that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was just making things up. She concluded that it was more likely that Dr. Ford was mistaken, confused or just fabricating her story.

History, and hopefully voters, will remember Susan Collins's betrayal of her duties as a senator and as a human. Although, one has to question what kind of human Susan Collins is. After hearing Ford's testimony and all the corroborating accounts from others who know Kavanaugh, to claim the testimony did not rise above the threshold of being “more likely than not” is completely unfathomable.

Shame on you, Susan Collins. You're a disgrace.

[Aside: All Republicans who voted to confirm Kavanaugh are a disgrace to truth and human decency.]

For Further Reading:
Brett Kavanaugh Is Proof Republicans Will Never Hold The Elite Accountable

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