Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Poaching Is Bad, But It Looks Great On A Résumé

I generally like the work of the Public Policy Forum. Although, I've had issues with some of their analysis, overall they seem to do a good job presenting useful data.

But this is more about the presentation of ideas by the Journal Sentinel.

A recent article by John Schmid - Milwaukee's 'poised for vibrancy,' Public Policy Forum leader says - celebrated the new Public Policy Forum leader for doing the exact thing that a recent Journal Sentinel editorial preached against.
When Milwaukee set out in 2005 to create a new economic development framework, its business leaders began by poaching ideas from Chicago, which had worked successfully to lure the Boeing Co.'s headquarters away from Seattle only a few years earlier. 
In doing so, the Milwaukee 7 — as the seven-county economic strategy agency went on to name itself — appropriated a few key concepts from Virginia Carlson, the founding director of research at the more established World Business Chicago and part of the team behind the Boeing coup.
On July 30, 2013 the Journal editorialized, Governors Should Swear Off Poaching.
Poaching. That's the counterproductive, and sometimes costly, practice of trying to lure jobs across state lines.

Too many governors, including Wisconsin's Scott Walker early in his administration, seem to think that it works. It doesn't. Companies rarely move because of government incentives — and even when they do, it's a zero-sum game that does nothing to make the economic pie larger.
So, poaching is costly, counterproductive, and does nothing to grow the economic pie. Yet, it is also somehow a meaningful feather in the cap of the Public Policy Forum's new director.

1 comment:

  1. It is not counterproductive. They use it like a bludgeon to threaten labor. Their goal isn't more jobs it's more profit.
