Thursday, July 11, 2019

Republicans: The Real Hypocritical, Crybaby Snowflakes

Republicans Seek to Limit Governor’s Veto
McConnell Would Fill Potential Supreme Court Vacancy In 2020, Reversal Of 2016 Stance
Republicans who held 33 hearings on Benghazi complain that Cohen’s testimony was a waste of time
Republican Leaders Vow to Obstruct State Budget, Then Complain About Lack of Negotiations
To GOP, Obama’s immigration orders were ‘executive overreach.’ What is it when Trump does it?
Sparks fly on Fox News as liberal nails Republican hypocrisy on outside questioning of Barr: ‘Like they did with Kavanaugh?’
Why are Republicans so cruel to the poor? Paul Ryan's profound hypocrisy stands for a deeper problem
The Republican hypocrisy over Ilhan Omar's comment
More Republican Hypocrisy On Separation Of Powers
The Appalling Hypocrisy Of The Republican Party Exposed In Three Simple Charts